
Updated: 10/xviii/2022 past Computer Hope

Ping may refer to any of the following:

Diagram example of ping

1. Ping is a utility first developed past Michael Muss in 1983 that's used to verify whether or non a network information packet can attain an address without errors. The ping utility is ordinarily used to bank check for network errors.

The image is an example of what happens when a ping is sent. The user would first get-go using the ping control to ping the IP address Next, the request is sent over the network hub and router, in this example, to the other computer with this IP address. Once successfully received, the figurer replies to the ping with a pong response. The time between these ii transmissions is calculated to generate an boilerplate response or latency fourth dimension.

Windows command line ping results

In the instance higher up, we open the Windows command line to use the ping command. Then nosotros ping "" and become four responses from the server. In each in a higher place answer it contains the size of the parcel (bytes), the time it took in ms, and the TTL.

If the ping does non reach its destination considering of an mistake or being blocked, the sending computer encounters a asking timed out fault or shows no received packets.

The ping command output can besides be directed to a file instead of the command prompt window. Working with the case ping command above, we could use the following command.

ping > ping.txt

The control above outputs the results of pinging to a file named ping.txt. The file is created in the directory where the ping command was executed. In the first example in a higher place, the directory is c:\cgi-bin\update and this is where the ping.txt file is created. To change the directory where the output file is created, we tin enter a unlike directory in the ping control itself, equally in the case below.

ping > c:\output\ping.txt

The case control above creates the ping.txt file in the c:\output directory, instead of in the c:\cgi-bin\update directory.

How does ping work?

When you ping another computer or device, the ping command sends an ICMP (Internet Control Bulletin Protocol) echo request to test it and so waits for a reply. If a answer is received, information technology was successful. If not, an error is shown.

What is ping short for?

Ping is non an acronym or short for annihilation. It is sometimes thought of every bit the backronym packet Internet groper. The give-and-take "ping" comes from the audio sonar generates when it detects objects under water.

two. In networked computer gaming, ping is a measurement of the latency of the game's network connexion to the server, measured in ms (milliseconds). Low ping, indicating low latency, indicates a good connexion, resulting in more responsive gameplay. High ping indicates network congestion or issues with the server, and may result in poor responsiveness, or "lag." For instance, a player with a low 50 ms ping is going to have a improve gaming experience than a thespian with a 250 ms ping.


To help with server response times, some game servers may just accept users who have a depression ping.

3. On Discord, ping is when you send a notification to another user past typing the @ (at symbol) followed by their proper name. For instance, while in Discord if you typed "@ComputerHope are yous at that place?" that would ping the user ComputerHope and likely go a response faster.


Most people practise non like to be pinged, unless it's important. If you ping someone every time you desire to talk, you'll likely become blocked.

What is a ghost ping?

A ghost ping is when someone pings another user or role on Discord and then deletes the message with the ping. When the user who received the ping notification comes to see who pinged them, they'll have no idea who pinged them.

Echo, Game terms, HELO, ICMP, Latency, LPB, Network terms, Ping of expiry, Ping pong